Dhanurasana Warm Up
In this yoga asana the body takes the shape of an archers bowThe pose is part of the Padma Sadhana sequence and other yoga sequencesThe posture gets its name from the Sanskrit words dhanu meaning bow and asana meaning pose. You got to be careful when you practice for the spine as without warm up try not to practice. Dhanurasana Yoga Anatomy Yoga Muscles Yoga Therapy Bow pose is a deep backbend that opens the chest and front of the body. Dhanurasana Warm Up . Different Variations in Bow pose-1. Here are the qualities that support practicing Dhanurasana. Bend your knees and bring your heels toward your. Breaking down the pose into its component parts can help you identify what you need to do in order to prepare. Dhanurasa mimics the shape of an archers bow. Incorporate quad and hip flexor stretches such as lunges twists side-bending postures and less intense backbends as well. Follow up the cat-cow pose with Surya Namaskar A combined with simple lunges pressing the ...